Sunday, November 20, 2011

Game Plan--JESUS!

Well, this week I signed away the next several years of my life.

 "To what?" You ask.

"School," I reply.

Thirteen credit hours, four classes, and one huge step towards something I have been talking about for nearly nine, count them, nine years.

"What took you so long?" you ask.

"Life, death, and taxes."

 Having the feeling that I couldn't go back because I had to keep a roof over my head and food on the table has been my biggest obstacle. The need to spend time with my kids also ranks high on my list.  Follow that with a God given desire to someday become a published writer (Yes, there is a book in the works!) and you have a hillbilly version of too many irons in the fire to get edumicated! (Kristi hangs and shakes head in shame.)

At times I stop and think about all the effort and time needed to do the things I believe God is calling me to and I just want to throw my hands in the air and walk away. Who can do all that stuff? Serve God and His people at church.Raise three kids--ALONE! Work. Pay the bills. Write books. AND--Go to school too? Well, I'm here to tell you: I can't--unless it is Him doing all of it through me. Shoot, I can't do any of the things on my list without Him! Hebrews 12 says: "Let us run with endurance the race that is set before us, looking to Jesus, the founder and perfecter of our faith, who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is seated at the  right hand of the throne of God."

Did you catch the part about him despising the shame? Doesn't mean the cross was enjoyable for him... but it was necessary to accomplish what the Father had sent him to do. Jesus had the ability to see beyond his suffering to the promise of what would come after his suffering had ended... He conquered sin and death to bring sinful man into right standing with the Father. And where is Jesus now? Seated on the the right hand of the Father's throne.

Surely if he endured all of that for me, I can endure a few years of school to do what he has asked me to do for Him. Definitely makes my "trials" seem bearable. Time to dust off my running shoes!

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