Wednesday, October 12, 2011

How a dipstick helped me measure my parenting skills.

Yeah, I know it's been like a million years since I posted anything. SAME ON ME! I will do better next time.

Now, on with the show:

Last night I was in bet *trying* to fall asleep over the chatter of my precious sons, ages 9 and 10. (Yes, I realize that's close together...I carried them!) Anyway, I hear the younger one say, "No, dipstick!"...(silent pause & giggle)..."I don't even know what a dipstick is or where I heard that word before."

The older boy says, "I don't know either, but I bet it's something you aren't supposed to say!"

I laugh to myself then call them into my room and say, "Do you boys know what a dipstick is?"

The youngest looks at me and says, "No, but I wont say it anymore. I promise!"

The older says, "Me either."

Well, I can't hold my laughter any longer and I give them a crash course on the Dukes of Hazard, Roscoe calling his deputies dipsticks, and what a dipstick actually is. They both leave the room knowing that dipstick is somewhat acceptable--at least on the same level as saying things like dork or silly.

In hindsight we all had a good laugh, but I gleaned a little more from this event: I spend hours and hours trying to teach my kids to respect each other, watch what they say, and not just blurt out whatever they hear from other kids at school. In this one little interaction with my sons I realized my labor is not in vain... they are listening and actually starting to apply what I have taught them. (All those seeds might just be turning into fruit bearing plants!!)

Proverbs 6:22 (ESV)- Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it.