Friday, November 25, 2011

Dark Days or Holy Days?

I'm including a link to Our Daily Bread's online devotion for the day. Today's devotion is good for anyone dealing with the heart-wrenching loss of a loved one and the pressure of the Holidays. Having lost so many loved ones, I know this pain all to took me years to finally deal with grief issues after my husband died. For years I lived in a fog of depression, and denial. I thought being strong meant not letting anyone see the cracks. I pursued everything except the one thing that would have brought healing and wholeness...Jesus. Yes I was still a Christian, but I shut out people who could have helped me, and got mad at others who tried to tell me what I was too blind to see for myself. I'm not proud of any of that, but as the Bible says in Romans 8, God worked all things out for my good. Why he has been so merciful and gracious to me it an utter mystery to me..but He has been and for that I am so thankful. I'm now in a much more healthy place. I have a new church family that loves and supports me, and some people who really only caused harm are no longer allowed to drag me down (again, by the grace of God). Please don't hesitate to ask for help if you are dealing with grief and and depression through the Christmas season. Jesus wants us all the receive the gift of fath and hope in him.

1 comment:

  1. Holidays have always been hard for me also. Our church has something called Blue Christmas for people who don't have such a happy holidays. It's to let you know it's ok to feel that way. I look foward to it every year cause it reminds me lots of people struggle during this time of year and God brings us all together so we can help one another. I know that God understands my pain even when no one else can. My faith will always get me through the bad days and God is bigger then all things. Just try to remember, if God brings you to it, he'll bring you through it.
