Saturday, December 24, 2011

A gift from the Father

Big surprise, I got up early this morning ready to write. Thinking my characters wouldn't rest on this day before Christmas, I put pen to paper--or finger to keyboard--and what happened next is something I want to share with all of you.Instead of another chapter, a poem appeared on my computer screen. I haven't written a poem in more than twenty years. The last one being for my best friend Christy's funeral in high school. For me, writing is more than coming up with a good story--it is worship. The poem I wrote is as much an act of worship as singing praises at church on Sunday. (Maybe more so, because that's the way the Father wired me.) Writing is a gift to be shared with others, so this poem is my Christmas gift to all of you. I pray your HOLYday is filled with the blessing of God's love.

The Gift –A poem by Kristi Hardin-Alexander

Impoverished teenaged parents,
Far from home.
Baby boy born in a barn,
Manger for a crib.

“From you little Bethlehem, a mighty ruler will come!”

Birth announced by the Heavenly Host,
To lowly Shepherds.
They found him wrapped in rags,
Surrounded by smelly animals.

“Unto to us a child is born.”

Old man, eyes dim with age,
Beheld the Light of the Lord’s promise.
Faithful prophetess, always at the temple found,
Told everyone she saw.

“Immanuel, God with us.”

Kings bore royal gifts from a faraway land,
His own people missed the star.
Greedy false king gave a wicked decree,
The angel said, “You must flee!”

“Out of Egypt I have called my Son”

Wicked king gone, in danger no more,
Home to Nazareth they returned.
In wisdom and favor with God and men,
The child grew strong.

“He grew like a young plant, a root out of dry ground”

The child, sent from the Father above,
That we may all know His great love.
On a hillside years later, arms outstretched,
He cried out and breathed His last.

“It is finished.”

For me the way was made, no more lost in sin--
My adoption complete.
One day with the host I will sing:

“Holy, Holy, Holy, is the Lord God Almighty.”

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

It's a dirty job...

This may be a bit of a candid post, but it is what it and I am what I am. Yesterday morning started like most others, early. I got the kids up to get ready for school. My daughter got in the shower and I heard water dripping onto the the floor behind me in the kitchen. The pipes were backed up and overflowing my kitchen sink...stinky black water everywhere. I made her plug the tub and finish getting ready for school, sent her out the door, and called a friend to find out if he could help me fix the problem. I called the local hardware store and rented a sewer auger. I ripped out the old toilet in the spare bathroom--actually I broke it apart with a hammer (it hasn't worked in a long time) and what happened after that...well... let's just say I never want to be a plumber. Three hours later I was at the car wash hosing off the auger and my pipes were draining again--and my pocket book was saved the expense of a call to the plumber. All of this now motivates me to rip the stuff out of the bathroom and start over. I already have the new toilet and sink that I bought on sale a few years ago thinking I would get around to it--someday. Well, I guess someday is going to be very soon. I think a lot of people might look at this "crappy" situation and be angry, or upset, but while my friend and I were running the auger the thought crossed my mind that God was using the situation to motivate me to finally do the remodeling to that ugly, outdated bathroom with a carpeted floor. (I hate carpet--not just bathroom carpet--any carpet.) The words from Romans 8 played through my mind, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."

Is there a "crappy" situation in your life right now? Do you see God working it to your good? My hope and prayer is that you will look beyond what your physical eyes see, and find what God has for you on the other side.

(P.S... I will take some before and after pictures when the remodel is complete.)